Travel Management

Green seminar: how to organize it in 2024

John Iversen
Growth Marketer

Organizing a green seminar in 2024 represents an exceptional opportunity for companies wishing to combine performance and well-being. By choosing a natural, soothing setting, teams can recharge their batteries, strengthen their cohesion and stimulate their creativity.

Why choose a green seminar in 2024?

A green seminar in 2024 offers a unique opportunity to get away from the usual office setting and reconnect with nature. Natural environments stimulate creativity and promote relaxation, allowing participants to recharge their batteries and strengthen team bonds.

What's more, holding a seminar in a green setting demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being and environmental responsibility - values increasingly prized by modern businesses. By choosing a green seminar, companies can also benefit from improved concentration and productivity, thanks to a soothing and inspiring setting.

What are the advantages of a green seminar for companies?

Green seminars offer many advantages for companies. First and foremost, they foster team cohesion by providing a setting conducive to informal exchanges and collaboration. Participants can relax and get to know each other in a less formal environment, strengthening bonds and improving internal communication.

Secondly, an event like a green seminar stimulates creativity and innovation. Away from the distractions of the office, employees can concentrate fully on the objectives of the seminar and come up with new and original ideas.

What's more, these seminars help reduce stress and improve employee well-being, resulting in greater productivity and lower absenteeism. Finally, organizing a green seminar demonstrates a company's commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility, values that are increasingly important to customers and partners.

How do you choose the ideal location for a green seminar?

Choosing the ideal location for a seminar in the countryside means taking into account a number of essential criteria. First of all, accessibility is paramount. The location must be easily accessible for all participants, whether by car, train or plane. Next, it's important to consider the infrastructure available on site. The venue must offer well-equipped meeting rooms, outdoor areas for team-building activities, an on-site hotel and comfortable accommodation.

The quality of the natural environment is also a key factor. Opt for a location surrounded by greenery, with inspiring landscapes and opportunities for walks or outdoor activities. Also make sure that the venue has appropriate catering services, offering balanced menus and, if possible, local and organic produce.

Last but not least, it's crucial to check out the opinions and recommendations of other companies who have already organized green seminars or a corporate seminar in this location. Feedback can provide valuable information on the quality of services and the welcome extended to participants. By taking these different criteria into account, you can choose a venue that will perfectly meet the needs of your green seminar and guarantee an enriching experience for all participants.

How do you plan activities for a successful green seminar?

To plan activities that will guarantee the success of a green seminar, it's essential to diversify the experiences on offer to meet the expectations and needs of all participants. Start by incorporating team-building activities that promote cohesion and collaboration, such as problem-solving workshops, role-playing games or outdoor sports challenges.

Next, plan some time for relaxation and well-being. Yoga, meditation or nature walks can help participants recharge their batteries and reduce stress. It's also a good idea to include cultural or educational activities, such as guided tours of natural sites, local cooking workshops or lectures on inspiring topics.

Don't forget to leave some free time so that participants can rest or explore the surroundings at their own pace. Finally, make sure that all activities are well organized and adapted to participants' physical abilities and preferences. By planning a balanced and varied program, you'll create an environment conducive to personal and professional fulfillment, guaranteeing the success of your green seminar.

A few tips for an eco-responsible green seminar

To organize an eco-responsible green seminar, it's important to adopt sustainable practices at every stage of the planning process. Here are a few additional tips to help you do just that:

  1. Choose an eco-responsible venue: Opt for establishments with ecolabels or committed to sustainable development. Make sure the venue uses renewable energies, practices waste sorting and offers local and organic products.
  2. Reduce carbon footprint: Encourage participants to use environmentally-friendly means of transport, such as carpooling, public transport or electric vehicles. You can also offset CO2 emissions using dedicated business travel management tools.
  3. Use sustainable materials: Choose eco-friendly office supplies such as recycled paper, refillable pens and digital media to avoid wasting paper. Avoid single-use plastics by using reusable water bottles and compostable dishes.
  4. Offer sustainable catering: Choose caterers who favor local, seasonal and organic produce. Reduce food waste by planning meals according to the exact number of participants, and by proposing appropriate portions.
  5. Raise participants' awareness: Inform participants of the eco-responsible initiatives in place and encourage them to adopt sustainable behaviors, such as sorting waste, saving energy and reducing their water consumption.
  6. Incorporate eco-responsible activities: Offer activities linked to nature and the protection of the environment, such as permaculture workshops, educational hikes or actions to clean up natural sites.

By following these tips, you'll help reduce the environmental impact of your green seminar, while raising participants' awareness of sustainable development issues.

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