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Soto Tickets

What is a Soto ticket?

In the air transport sector, a SOTO ticket stands for “Sold Outside, Ticketed Outside”, i.e. an airline ticket purchased and issued from a country not included in the travel itinerary. For example, if a British traveler buys his ticket in the UK for a flight from New York to Los Angeles, this ticket will be considered a SOTO ticket. Depending on the location of operations in relation to the traveler's origin, tickets may also be classified as SITI, SITO or SOTI, specifying whether they are issued inside or outside the country of origin.

Other questions

How important is a SOTO ticket?

The fact that your ticket is a SOTO, SITO, SOTI or SITI ticket can have a significant impact on fares. Due to specific rules and regulations concerning fare construction, tickets sold outside the country of origin (SOTO) may incur additional charges. These distinctions influence not only the cost, but also the conditions under which tickets are purchased and issued.

What are the main differences between SOTO, SITO, SOTI and SITI?

SITI (Sold In, Ticketed In)

This is the most common type of ticket, meaning “Sold and Issued in the country of origin”. For example, you buy your ticket in Berlin for a flight from BER to LHR.

SITO (Sold In, Ticketed Out)

This type of ticket means “Sold In, Ticketed Out”. This can occur when the ticket is purchased in the country of origin but issued elsewhere.

SOTI (Sold Out, Ticketed In)

This means “Sold Out, Ticketed In”. For example, a ticket paid for in Los Angeles for a customer in Hong Kong, which is issued when the customer checks in or collects the ticket in Hong Kong.

SOTO (Sold Out, Ticketed Out)

This stands for “Sold Out and Issued Outside the Country of Origin”. For example, an e-ticket that you buy for someone in another country.

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